RSP - Request and Response
You should refer to this page while reading this.
Create the following script on a plain text editor and save it in the www folder as reqres.rsp.
print {<font face="courier">}
print "content ...... = " probe request/content print "<br>"
print "method ....... = " probe request/method print "<br>"
print "posted ....... = " probe request/posted print "<br>"
print "client-ip .... = " probe request/client-ip print "<br>"
print "server-port .. = " probe request/server-port print "<br>"
print "translated ... = " probe request/translated print "<br>"
print "query-string . = " probe request/query-string print "<br>"
<TITLE>Simple Web Form</TITLE>
<FORM ACTION="reqres.rsp">
With Cheyenne running (listening to default port 80), type localhost/reqres.rsp on your browser's address bar. You should get this:
Now type something in the field, and press the submit button. Your browser should look like this:
What's happenning:
It's clear that Cheyenne picks the client's (browser) request, decode it, and stores all important values in internal variables of the object request.
When you click Submit button, ACTION="reqres.rsp" sends you to the same (refreshed) page! But, to do that, the browser sends a request that is split and stored in the request object's variables, which are shown in the refreshed page.
In the same way that requests have the request object, responses have the response object. However, most of this object's fields are functions (actions). The most relevant exception is response/buffer, that is where Cheyenne's RSP stores all that is to be sent to the client. It's a block, and so you can manipulate it as any series.
If you change the reqres.rsp code to:
append response/buffer "<HTML>"
append response/buffer "<h3>This text is in the response buffer</h3>"
append response/buffer "<h4>This text is in the response buffer too</h4>"
append response/buffer "<p>So is this</p>"
You get:
Create and save the following RSP script as coolexample.rsp in Cheyenne's www folder. Open localhost/coolexample.rsp on your browser and click a button. If your browser support HTML's SVG (most do), a corresponding image should show under it's button.
print {<font face="courier">}
print "content ...... = " probe request/content print "<br>"
<TITLE>Cool Example</TITLE>
<b>Cool Example</b><p>
<FORM ACTION="coolexample.rsp">
<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="Triangle" VALUE="Triangle"><br><br>
if not empty? request/content [
if (first request/content) = 'Triangle [
print {<svg width="100" height="100">
<polygon points="0,100 50,0 100,100"
style="fill:lime;stroke:purple;stroke-width:5;fill-rule:evenodd;" />
</svg> <br>}
<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="Square" VALUE="Square"><br><br>
if not empty? request/content [
if (first request/content) = 'Square [
print {<svg width="100" height="100">
<rect width="100" height="100" style="fill:rgb(0,0,255);stroke-width:10;stroke:rgb(0,0,0)" />
</svg> <br>}
<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="Circle" VALUE="Circle"><br><br>
if not empty? request/content [
if (first request/content) = 'Circle [
print {<svg width="100" height="100">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="green" stroke-width="4" fill="yellow" />
</svg> <br>}